“Kimberly, we can’t thank you enough for what you have done for our family. Your kind heart, love, and genuine determination are a gift given to us by God. I never could have imagined the progress we have witnessed, and I never thought I would hear my daughter call me “Mama.”
“I had the most amazing and hope-filled consultation today with Kimberly Spair. I’m sad the consultation had to end. I just wanted to keep her with me curled up on the couch drinking tea, and just chatting and educating me for hours. I’m a mother in despair at this moment. My daughter is struggling emotionally, academically, and mentally. She’s eleven and a half years old. She was born with spinal bifida, hydrocephalus, and Chiari II malformation. Due to this, she has been exposed to many antibiotics throughout her life, as well as other Rx medications that I truly believe have contributed to many of her problems; I’m now being told and am discovering that a certain medication she’s been taking daily for years does ‘affect the brain’! This alone has struck me to the core, and I’m on a mission to help my child in every way possible.
She has recently been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. After talking with Kimberly and coming up with a detox and healing plan, I have more hope and motivation than ever before. Thank you so much for giving me the knowledge, power, and reassurance that I’m a worthy mother. You’ll never know how much you’ve done for me in a single hour. Time is one of the most valuable things we possess, and I’m honored you shared yours with me.”
“Kimberly, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me how to implement protocols from Anthony’s book. I knew the book was the answer for me, but I had no idea where to start. I’ve now lost 12 pounds! I’ve been pre-diabetic for years, and my A1C is normal now! I’ve halved my thyroid medication and now know I can be free of them after 30 years! My MD is shocked! My energy has returned, and I am sleeping, which was my biggest complaint! The breast I had breast cancer in years ago broke out in a severe rash, which cleared up as I detoxed, and I finally feel like the radiation is on its way out. I love Anthony, and I love you guys! I will be spreading the word far and wide to all who are suffering.”
 “It can be daunting processing the book info, radio shows, healing path course, and the like. So much old information and old beliefs to let go of and new, enlightening information to allow to settle within. I had an appointment with Kimberly Spair a day ago, and my goodness—I feel so relieved. I was a bit anxious, but she has a gentle, kind, and caring demeanor that put me at ease immediately. She is very thorough in explaining what is causing symptoms, and she recommended which body areas to prioritize (what foods and supplements to increase or decrease). Honestly, I feel like a ton of bricks have been removed from my shoulders. Kimberly told me I had good instincts and understood more than I realized about how to heal my body. I am so happy with the help I received. I feel empowered!” "I was feeling scared out of my mind before our talk. Kimberly is so kind, encouraging, and so knowledgeable about what she does. She has a wonderful way with people who are suffering. I could feel her compassion through the phone. She is such a gift to me. Thank You" |
“I’ve been working this protocol for about 6 weeks now, and wow! When AW and Kimberly say you will heal, they mean it. I’ve done different diet protocols for years and instead of getting better, I was always adding to my list of symptoms and subtracting the number of foods I could eat. It felt so freeing from day one to have so much variety back in my life, and it has made a huge difference in my healing. I can feel my symptoms backing away and letting go. There’s no other way to describe it. If symptoms flare up, I know it’s because they are releasing; nothing ever sticks around for more than a couple of days. It’s amazing! I know I still have a ways to go, but it’s so wonderful to have hope, to be able to eat out with friends, to see noticeable differences from day to day, and to know from the depths of my soul that I am healing instead of just hoping this will be the one to finally get me over the hump. So grateful!”
“Hi Kim, I wanted to keep you posted regarding our daughter’s arrival on March 1. I had another fast, non-medicated birth, and my baby is happy and healthy. I took all of your advice and took all of my supplements and food to the hospital, and it really helped my delivery, stamina, energy, and mood. Thanks again for all of your help while I was pregnant. Your guidance with my protocol totally helped me feel vital throughout my pregnancy, and it brought back my sense of smell after almost a year of it being gone.”
|  "Kimberly, I can't thank you enough. I just have to tell you, You are AWESOME!!! Having the knowledge to work with my daughter like this is a true gift and I will be eternally grateful for your guidance. I feel like I can offer her a whole new quality of life with the information I have now, it really is amazing. thank you from the bottom of my heart. The work you do changes lifes! 😊 I will get an appointment set up for me too next."
|  "I cannot begin to explain how thankful I am for Kimberly's guidance in healing my little boy. We had battled eczema, and poor digestion for his whole 16 months of life. Not just a little bit of eczema either, it covered his entire face and was cracked and oozy. I had never seen anything like it. There is no worse feeling than seeing your child suffer and not knowing how to help them. We spent thousands of dollars that we didn't have to every type of doctor you can imagine. We tried every diet, supplement, and cream out there. Nothing worked. Finally came across Anthony William and felt like I was on the right path. However I didn't even know where to begin. Thankfully we found Kimberly and within the first minute of speaking with her, my heart swelled with hope. She knew exactly what I was going through! She had been there herself and knew exactly what we needed to do. By implementing the foods and supplements that she recommended, my son's eczema improved within EIGHT DAYS!!!! I could not believe it! First time it had ever cleared without the use of steroids. He still flares (a month and a half later) but each time it is less and less. My son is happy and thriving. There is now a light in his eyes that I didn't know existed. Kim gave me my faith, and my son back and for that I am forever grateful."
| "Healing eczema is possible. Don't believe what the derms and doctors tell you. I was told that the only way to give my son relief was to lather him in steroids daily and cut out everything he reacted to from his diet. But guess what? He reacted to EVERYTHING. He couldn't eat apples, grapes, melons, spinach, broccoli and the list goes on and on. I don't know how we survived for the months that we cut every single food out of his and my (we were and still are breastfeeding) diet. I felt helpless. I felt like the joy of having a baby and going through the phases of him growing up were stolen from us. I was always stressed. I dreaded meal times since I didn't know what to eat or feed my child. Even bath times were full of stress trying to keep him from scratching himself. It broke my heart every time I would see the rashes on his skin. So swollen, red and itchy.
I cried and prayed every night. I didn't know what to do, I was lost. It was so so hard to watch my son suffer every day and every night. Then I came across Anthony William (medicalmedium.com) and we haven't looked back. The first picture was right before we started implementing the protocol. He was covered from head to toe literally. His scalp, face, arms, hands, fingers, torso, legs, feet. But gradually his skin started to do better. We then took it to another level and started working with Kimberly from @reclaimersofhealth . That's when things took off. The second picture is from today. I NEVER thought we would get to this place of so much healing. I thought that my child would never be comfortable in his own skin. All the foods that we used to avoid are now HEALING him from the inside out.
So mamas out there with little ones who are suffering. To the mamas who have been told that eczema is not curable. To the mamas who are lost, broken and exhausted. THERE IS HOPE! And you are never alone. So so many of us have healed and are healing our littles. Please don't give up."
| "I am forever grateful for the work of Anthony William, and reclaimers of health - it changed our families lives forever! My daughter developed severe eczema after her vaccines, and had multiple food sensitivities. We were seeing the best integrative doctors in the bay area, and tried many modalities and diets, but my daughter was constantly itchy and miserable. Our once happy girl was gone, and everyday was very trying for us physically and mentally. After many dark days and prayers, we found Medical mediums work, and started to implement his advices into our life. A month in, we sought Kimberly's help, and we have never looked back! Kimberly is very professional, upbeat, and very caring for your healing journey. The knowledge she has is astounding! Within a week, my daughter started to sleep better. And within two months our girl has come back to us! Before she would wake up, and was so uncomfortable that she would sit all day - paralyzed in the itch and pain of her skin. Now, she wakes up, and is ready to PLAY! This is a miracle!! She wasn't meeting many physical milestones, but now she is catching up very quickly! All of our family and friends are so surprised with our daughter's transformation, and we cannot be happier..Thank you so much Anthony William (medicalmedium.com) and Kimberly Spair - I am forever grateful and so so inspired by your work."